Coworking survey, autumn 2021

After a lengthy negative trend for operators of flexible office space, most players have reported very good activity in recent months. That is particularly true after the summer, as Norwegian society has opened up even more.

Published 01.09.2021 12:53

Last changed 01.10.2021 08:21

Capacity has increased by 1 600 flexible office workplaces over the past half-year. The number of members in such facilities has increased substantially more than capacity during this period, and is now at a record level. Occupancy has risen by five percentage points to 67 per cent, and is thereby almost back at the pre-pandemic level.

A third of the 14 000 available workplaces are currently unoccupied. Plans call for 3 600 flexible office spaces to be added during the year. A number of the centres opening this year were originally due to come on line in 2020, and have already signed up many members before their doors open.

Occupancy has increased substantially in the last half-year*

Looking ahead, we expect that the pace of establishing new coworking spaces will slow and that the players will work to increase occupancy in existing centres. At the same time, we see that a growing number of tenants want flexibility and are looking for hybrid solutions. That has a positive effect. So far, only 600 new coworking spaces are confirmed annually for the new two years.

Development in coworking spaces

To learn more about our coworking survey, contact Ann Kristin Aure

* Our survey covers a sample totalling 14 000 office spaces. However, some of the smaller players have not responded to the survey every time. To ensure that the survey results reflect market trends rather than changes to the sample, we have calculated occupancy using a rather smaller sample. Occupancy is calculated on the basis of 11 900 office spaces at players who have been consistent in their reporting over time. This change means some minor deviations could exist from occupancy figures reported earlier.